Playing for instance soothing ocean waves sounds together with deep breathing exercises before bedtime will improve your chances of falling asleep. Chronic stress also affects our sleep negatively and we all need a good uninterrupted sleep to function normally. A great bonus is that the reduction of the high levels can improve your memory and cognitive thinking. You will see a decrease in high levels of stress by relaxing daily to calming sounds and this may also help you to disconnect from challenging everyday events. Chronic stress can weaken the immune system and a weak immune defense may lead to decease and infections. Stress is something we all experience from time to time, however under prolonged periods it will negatively affect your mind and body. There are amazing health benefits for those who regularly listen to relaxing nature sounds and gentle ocean music.

In addition to this, taking daily long walks in green spaces has shown to be helpful when recovering from stress and mental disorder. City inhabitants are more likely to suffer from health issues like depression and insomnia compared to people living in the countryside, research suggest that it has to do with the disconnect from nature.

They do this to encourage deep relaxation and sleep, and to heal the mind body and spirit. In the wellness business, at spa facilities, yoga and meditation classes and among alternative holistic practitioners, it is quite popular to play serene music and relaxing nature sounds to enhance the yoga, meditative, healing and spa experience. The environmental, new age and wellness movements, which where reactions against the establishment, have positively contributed and awakened our concern for mother nature and ourselves. Today people are more concerned about their overall health and wellbeing than a few decades ago. ‘When people think of relaxing nature sounds, soothing rain, refreshing bamboo water fountain, pouring waterfall and gentle ocean waves sounds comes to mind’ The wonderful sounds of gentle mountain streams and leaves rustling in the wind will clear your head of any disturbing thoughts and an inner calmness will wash over you, leaving you in a complete state of bliss and relaxation. The harmony of the sound conjures beautiful images, painting an idyllic picture in the brain that encourages mind body relaxation. Who doesn’t get positively affected of hearing delightful waterfall sounds, or refreshing ocean waves sounds? You can today begin to relax, meditate, heal and fall asleep to our original nature sounds. When your senses take in incredible landscapes and peaceful sounds it sets off a cascade of physical and psychological benefits. Healing sounds and chanting were used in rituals and ceremonies to heal people and the land from disease and negative energy. In ancient Greece, India, and in native American cultures, music and certain natural forces like rivers where sacred and respected. Relaxing sounds from the natural world and open green spaces have for centuries been associated with wellbeing.